Monday, August 30, 2021

Tax Pieces

Critics have long claimed cruise lines use the high seas and ownership in havens to dodge U.S. taxes, an accusation that could jeopardize their hope for federal assistance as they face an existential crisis with the COVID-19 outbreak.

Research on so-called tax morale — the elusive and often counterintuitive reasons individuals and businesses voluntarily pay taxes, beyond legal enforcement — may offer insight into how likely citizens are to comply with enormous personal sacrifices being asked of them to fight the novel coronavirus pandemic.

The controversy over President Donald Trump's tax returns highlights the difficulties the tax system finds in dealing with income losses, and could complicate debate on how to fine-tune the tax code as the U.S. climbs out of the coronavirus recession.

One of former Vice President Joe Biden's key tax proposals, a 15% corporate minimum tax based on financial earnings rather than the tax code, could face opposition from critics who claim it would hit growth at a key time for the economic recovery.

A plan to use tax incentives to lure medical and pharmaceutical manufacturers back to the United States may not be feasible — and moreover, it could leave countries more vulnerable to the next pandemic, health and trade experts warn.

Former Vice President Joe Biden's recent proposal to secure medical supply chains in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic includes tweaks to the 2017 federal tax overhaul, reigniting the debate about whether its international provisions are pushing manufacturing facilities offshore.

As the coronavirus pandemic decimates government revenue across the globe, new taxes on digital commerce — once mostly a focus in Europe and other countries with large markets — are emerging in the developing world.

The White House's push to grant more tax deductions for investment faces harsh scrutiny from skeptics who wonder if it will give more aid to the real estate sector than to brick-and-mortar businesses trying to rehire after the COVID-19 shutdown.

A package of corporate tax relief measures in the $2 trillion coronavirus relief bill generated little controversy or attention as the legislation worked its way through Congress, but tax experts are expressing growing concerns that its cost could explode.

A recent draft proposal from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development outlines some of the difficulties in using financial statements for taxes, including accounting for stock-based compensation, penalties and even bribes.

New benefits in the CARES Act that gave companies more flexibility to absorb recent losses are under fire from congressional Democrats, who claim they're a mistargeted corporate tax giveaway amid an unprecedented economic crisis.

Some of the world's largest corporations are finding their financial statements under unwelcome scrutiny as activists — and candidates in the 2020 presidential race — claim they reveal low effective tax rates and loopholes in the system.

An academic disagreement over how best to measure global corporate tax avoidance highlights how much is still unknown about the scale of the problem, even as government officials around the world scramble to reach an agreement to address it.

The new and increasingly cloud-based online economy poses challenges for tax authorities around the globe — except they aren't so novel for the IRS, which was flummoxed 80 years ago by a Mexican radio station whose income was out of the agency's reach even as it blasted radio waves across the U.S.

President-elect Joe Biden ran on stemming international tax avoidance and ensuring that rich companies pay their "fair share" — but over the next four years he will face difficult choices on how to translate his aggressive campaign proposals into practical policies.

As the deadly new coronavirus grinds businesses to a halt around the globe, countries are looking to adjust income, consumption and corporate tax systems as a way to prop up companies until the worst passes.

Supporters of a U.S. tax on large accumulations of wealth are looking to bolster the case that it would pass constitutional scrutiny, amid concerns that such a measure could be blocked by the restrictions on direct taxes.

The Internal Revenue Service has created a headache for practitioners advising cryptocurrency holders by promising to crack down on these unique digital assets while providing minimal guidance for determining the location of items that consist of little more than internet code.

Cryptocurrency sales may qualify for a substantial deduction on exports from the 2017 tax law, but dealers and traders face technical and legal hurdles to verify the geography of an asset that, by its very design, almost entirely exists on the web.

Deductions for stock-based compensation are one of the biggest reasons tech companies have managed to keep tax payments low despite surging profits — a result that is coming under new scrutiny as lawmakers look to strengthen the federal tax code.

Accounting experts worry that a proposed alternative minimum tax based on financial statements could distort information that investors rely on — the same concerns that led Congress to abandon a similar tax shortly after it was enacted 35 years ago.

If the U.S. enacted a wealth tax today, the new global environment of tax transparency and information flows — as well as existing reporting rules like the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act — could stem the outflow of cash that doomed similar European efforts.

Following Brexit, the United Kingdom has eliminated value-added tax on tampons and feminine hygiene products — a move welcomed by feminist groups, but which tax experts say is a part of a troubling trend toward further distortions in consumption tax bases.

Mining and other extractive companies are waiting months, sometimes years for value-added tax refunds on exported materials in Africa, creating tension with local tax authorities and belying the VAT's promise of administrative ease for cash-strapped developing countries.

As the international push to discourage tax avoidance and secrecy wages on, many countries that formerly marketed themselves as tax havens are now looking to become hubs of blockchain, the online ledger system used to record cryptocurrencies — and much more.

A proposal from the White House to stem tax avoidance by foreign corporations would give the U.S. Treasury Department wide leeway to determine when it applies — a potential source of conflict, both in the U.S. and abroad, should the policy be enacted into law.

President-elect Joe Biden vowed on the campaign trail to stop international profit-shifting and corporate tax avoidance — but a potentially divided Congress could force him to look to existing legal authority, rather than legislation, to fulfill those promises.

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